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The third Annual Discipline Conference (ADC) for the Operations Planning, Operations Assessment, and Alternative Analysis (#OPOAAA) discipline took place at the Kromhout Barracks in Utrecht, The Netherlands, on May 23rd and 24th, 2023. The NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence serves as the Department Head (DH) for this discipline.

This discipline is one of the numerous disciplines within the NATO Global Programming (GP) for Education & Training, Exercises and Evaluation (ETEE), which steers Education and Training (E&T) within NATO. Each discipline has its own specific focus to prevent duplication and inefficiency.

The NATO C2COE will publish a Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP) and will, based on experiences and the ADC discussions, continue its role as DH. With the challenge of ‘connecting the dots’, finding and orchestrating appropriate solutions for now and the coming future, the NATO C2COE has an improved focus and scope on this topic.



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