Please send your paper to NATO.C2COE@mindef.nl NLT 31DEC.
Latest editions
The NATO C2COE initiates, in collaboration with the Canadian Joint Warfare Centre (CJWC), the publication of the NATO C2COE Annals of C2 (open access). This NATO C2COE Annals of C2 is a peer-reviewed military journal designed for the publication of scholarly papers in the field of C2 in military operations and C2 related (civilian) disciplines. The NATO C2COE Annals of C2 seeks high-impact contributions that enhance, understand, and clarify research and case studies which may contribute to a deeper understanding and application of C2, including the role of multi-domain operations (MDOs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The NATO C2COE Annals of C2 aims to address three main areas in the field of C2:
- Processes and structures, focusing on the effectiveness and efficiency of the operational level headquarters and the processes that these organizations execute.
- Information and knowledge management, focusing on how individuals, teams and entire organizations create, share and apply knowledge in order to better achieve their objectives.
- Humans factors, focusing on understanding how people perform under different circumstances; that is, on the interrelationship among humans, between humans and their supporting tools, and between humans and their professional environment (including insights of anatomy, physiology, physics, biomechanics, psychology and sociology).
Papers can be grounded in (multiple) disciplines that study leadership, management, education and training, organizational behavior, security and crisis management, social psychology, political science, information management, computer science, artificial intelligence and data science.
The target audience is the civil / military academic community as well as the military commanders. Therefore, the papers must both meet academic standards and yield actionable information in the field of C2. That is to say, the papers must be easy to read, and provide new and applicable C2-insights.
The deadline for submitting papers is January 1, 2024. Authors are requested to send their contributions to C2COE.Review@mindef.nl. The submitted papers must not previously have been published, nor may they be under consideration for publication by another journal. Authors are solely responsible for ensuring that no classified or other sensitive information is included in their paper.
The NATO C2COE Annals of C2 will be distributed (both printed and digital) to the civil and military academies as well as to industry and other interested parties, all NATO members and partners. Furthermore, the publication will be announced through the NATO C2COE’s newsletter and social media. Additionally, it will be published on the NATO C2COE’s website.
Issue 2 (Summer): July 1st, 2025
Issue 3 (Winter): December 31st, 2025
Issue 4 (Summer): July 1st, 2025
Editor in Chief:
- COL Mietta Groeneveld MSc (NATO C2COE)
Editorial Board
- LTC (ret) Frank Gubbels (NATO C2COE)
- MAJ Steven Hornstra BEd, MSc (NATO C2COE)
- MAJ Stefan Nelwan, PhD (NATO C2COE)
- Dr. Dragos Calitoiu, PhD (CJWC)
- Dr. Ahmed Ghanmi, PhD (CJWC)
Your paper should be compiled in the following order:
Page 1: Title page, including Title, Authors’ names, and Author’s affiliations.
Page 2: Author’s note (including declaration of interest statement and funding details), and Acknowledgments.
Page 3: Short author’s biography (maximum of 150 words per author).
Page 4: Abstract (maximum of 300 words), including 4 keywords.
Page 5 and following: Main text (maximum of 6500 words, excluding tables, figures, references, appendices).
Appendices (as appropriate).
The only strict requirements are:
- Papers must be supplied as a single Word file (.doc / .docx).
- Spelling can be US or UK English as long as usage is consistent.
- References must be in accordance with APA 7.
Let us know when you have additional questions or issues regarding Annals of C2
Call for Papers Flyer
Call for Papers Document