
The NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence participated in the 49th Allied Joint Operational Doctrine Working Group (AJOD WG) meeting held in Gdansk, Poland, from 21-24 May. The AJOD WG is the main forum where NATO bodies and member nations discuss the need for and progress in developing high-level doctrine to be used at the operational level. The availability of current and relevant approaches, captured in comprehensible publications for specific NATO staff, is essential in the planning, execution, and conclusion of multinational operations. During these days, the delegates discussed the management and development of the AJOD portfolio.

The NATO C2COE representative mr Frank Gubbels, based on the Centre’s extensive work on supported supporting relationships (SSI), advocated in the NATO Terminology Board for the exclusive use of the SSI acronym to avoid confusion with the Security Sector Reform (SSR) acronym. He pointed out the widespread use of SSI in publications at different levels. Nations will decide on this matter in the coming period.

The Centre also took the opportunity in the plenary session to announce an in-depth e-Learning Module on degrees of authority, which is a potential solution to make doctrine, currently on paper, more dynamic. Several countries and organizations volunteered after the briefing to review this product. The intention is to publish the final modules on the Joint Advanced Distributed Learning (JADL) portal in the autumn this year.

The aim of the AJOD WG meetings is to gather experts from various subject-matter areas who will provide updates and revision ideas to support NATO’s continuous transformation, preparedness, and adaptation.

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