Seminar Read-Ahead: NetForce Command: Approach to C2 suitable for MDO


Aletta Eikelboom, Consultant at the Expertise Group for Military Operations at TNO (Netherlands Organisation... Read More Seminar Read-Ahead: NetForce Command: Approach to C2 suitable for MDO

NATO C2COE Introduction video

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We recently created a new Introduction Video list to help you getting and understanding what the NATO C2COE... Read More NATO C2COE Introduction video

Seminar Read-Ahead: Creating Competitive Space Through a Framework of Joint All Domain Maneuver


Dr. Jeff Reilly, director of Future Security Studies at the Department of Joint Education at the United... Read More Seminar Read-Ahead: Creating Competitive Space Through a Framework of Joint All Domain Maneuver

Seminar Read-Ahead: Multi-Domain Operations: The Future of Warfare


Lieutenant General Sharpy, Deputy Chief of Staff, Capability Development NATO SACT, dives deeper into... Read More Seminar Read-Ahead: Multi-Domain Operations: The Future of Warfare

Seminar Read-Ahead: Multi-Domain Operations from System Dynamics Perspective


Dr.Hilmi Ozdemir explains in the Seminar 2020 Read-Ahead article: ‘Multi-Domain Operations from System... Read More Seminar Read-Ahead: Multi-Domain Operations from System Dynamics Perspective

Seminar Read-Ahead: Cohesion through convergence?


As a Read-Ahead for the Seminar, Carlina Grispen-Gelens wrote a paper that aims to enhance the reader’s... Read More Seminar Read-Ahead: Cohesion through convergence?

Seminar Read-Ahead: Operations in Multiple Domains: What’s New, What’s Not, and the Implications for Command and Control


As a Read-Ahead for the Seminar. Key-note Speaker Dr. David S. Alberts, Senior Fellow at the Institute for... Read More Seminar Read-Ahead: Operations in Multiple Domains: What’s New, What’s Not, and the Implications for Command and Control

NATO C2COE releases new whitepaper on the Future of the Decision-Making Process


In a future even more volatile, uncertain, ambiguous, and complex environment, the amount of data to be... Read More NATO C2COE releases new whitepaper on the Future of the Decision-Making Process

Publication: Annual Overview 2019


The articles in this publication will give you an impression of the successful work of the NATO C2COE and its... Read More Publication: Annual Overview 2019

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