
During TechNet Europe 2024 (Helsinki, Finland), the Director of the NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence, Colonel Mietta Groeneveld, emphasized the need for a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach during the panel discussion on “Resilience in Critical Infrastructure – Essential for Defence Forces as a Whole.”

“Digitalisation, not only in technology but also in processes and mindset, is essential to protect critical infrastructure, which is vital to national security and requires collective action. Technology has become the primary driver of increased societal vulnerabilities.”

Digitalisation stands at the forefront of the ongoing transformation in the Armed Forces of NATO and the EU, playing a crucial role in deterrence and decision dominance in the era of cognitive warfare. As various nations progress at different rates in digitising their Armed Forces, challenges such as cyber vulnerabilities, workforce training, global dependencies, and the scalability of the defence industry become apparent.

TechNet Europe, an international event organised by AFCEA Europe, was a two-day conference featuring discussions led by senior experts from NATO, the EU, and the host nation, focusing on the European theatre of operations. Industry representatives in the C4ISR/Cyber field showcased solutions to enhance resilience in digital technologies. The conference aimed to address emerging challenges and provide insights into navigating the complexities of digitalisation in modern warfare.

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