
On July 16th, 2024, the NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence (NATO C2COE) welcomed Commodore (NLD N) Wolter Sillevis Smitt, Commander of the Dutch Defense Staff International Military Cooperation Office (Internationale Militaire Samenwerking; IMS).

IMS identifies the influence of the international military environment on national defense policy and its implementation, ensuring that these are balanced by other managements in the development of their policies and measures. IMS expresses national policy positions in international forums and serves as the central point of contact for international military cooperation within the Dutch Defense Staff. To support this, IMS also manages the relevant international functions and relationships, coordinating this network.

During the visit, the NATO C2COE team had the opportunity to introduce themselves and their work to Commodore Sillevis Smitt, highlighting their contributions to the NATO C2 community and their role in providing expertise and guidance on command and control-related issues. Among topics discussed were the NATO C2COE strategic way ahead, the capabilities of the centre, its procedures, and the national expectations.

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