
We recently added a video recording of the presentation of the paper “From Concept to Capability in the NATO’s C2 of Multi-Domain Operations: History, Evolution and Challenges” to our library.

This paper was presented by NATO C2COE Staff Oficer MAJ Ralph Dekker (NLD AF) at the 29th International Command and Control Research & Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), held in London from September 24–26, 2024. Authored by experts from multiple nations, the paper explores principles for C2 capability governance in the context of NATO operations.

In his presentation, MAJ Ralph Dekker analyzes the historical evolution of NATO’s command and control (C2) capabilities, with a focus on the mechanisms that have driven these changes and the challenges NATO has faced in maturing its Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) and Strategic-Scale Integration (SSI) within doctrine and processes. By examining these issues, MAJ Dekker’s study provides a valuable case for C2 capability governance, contributing to the efforts of NATO-RTG-HFM-342.

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