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  • Create Date 25 March 2022

We have recently published the 2021 C2 webinar the library-section of our website. The initial plan of hosting a physical seminar in Izmir, Turkey, turned into a webinar due to the COVID19 restrictions but besides the sad fact that we could not meet the participants in person, this set-up had multiple positive effects. The number of participants was again high and the open interaction in the chat deepened the discussion between people that otherwise wouldn’t have taken place that easily in a physical environment.

The theme: Framing C2: Understanding C2 in Layered Operational Environment suited our interest and programme of work very well as it followed up on the results of last years’ webinar and the seminars orchestrated by our colleagues over at the Joint Air Power Competency Centre in Kalkar, Germany. The webinar dealt with a broad range of topics, all relevant in generating answers to our questions that were still open, or led to fruitful discussions opening up areas to dive deeper into. We have dealt with how we could and should understand domains and our environment, how to deal with information access and data processing, C2 governance and understanding the concepts of MDO and JADO (with their shortfalls) best practices and we identified work to be done at those concepts.

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