OnePager: Provide a “working description” of the term Multi-Domain C2 (MDC2)


MDC2: The art of establishing and incorporating pre-existing organizational structures and processes,... Read More OnePager: Provide a “working description” of the term Multi-Domain C2 (MDC2)

Provide a “working description” of the term Multi-Domain C2 (MDC2)


MDC2: The art of establishing and incorporating pre-existing organizational structures and processes,... Read More Provide a “working description” of the term Multi-Domain C2 (MDC2)

The NATO C2COE MDO C2 Demonstrator platform


Demonstrating the Future of the Decision-Making Process The NATO C2COE MDO C2 Demonstrator platform In a... Read More The NATO C2COE MDO C2 Demonstrator platform

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