
Every year, the NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence (NATO C2COE), in close collaboration with the Canadian Joint Warfare Centre, organises a conference on a particular aspect of Command & Control.

The 2024 edition will take place from the 19-21 November at the Majoor Jan Linzel Complex (MJLC) – The Hague, The Netherlands, around the theme ‘NATO MDO Synchronisation – C2 implications’: How to achieve converging effects in the continuum of competition?’

NATO is transforming into a Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) enabled Alliance. An important element of NATO’s MDO concept is the synchronisation with non-military actions within other Instruments of Power and other non-military actors, like industry, to create converging effects in all dimensions.

A key question will be, “What are the C2 implications?”

The conference will be a forum where experts can offer their perspectives and opinions, engaging with a diverse audience to discuss the opportunities and related obstacles of executing this synchronisation between all partners involved.

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