On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, the NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence (NATO C2COE) had the privilege of visiting a delegation from the European Union Military Staff (EUMS) in Brussels. The EU Military Staff is the source of military expertise within the European External Action Service (EEAS) and has the role to provide early warning, situation assessment, strategic planning, Communications and Information Systems, concept development, training and education, as well as support of partnerships. By ensuring the EU to act militarily the EUMS strengthens diplomatic leverage.
This visit provided an opportunity to emphasize the importance of collaboration across organizations, as stated in the centres’ founding documents. In addition to its member nations, NATO C2COE actively collaborates with other military and non-military institutions to strengthen the collective expertise on Command and Control.
Joined by personnel from the Freie Universität Berlin and the German Armed Forces, discussions focused on Multi-Domain Operations (MDO), shared NATO-EU military initiatives, and the challenges facing modern operations across both traditional and emerging domains.
The visit underscored the importance of collaboration and the sharing of knowledge across organizations outside the NATO structures.