On Thursday 13 October 2022, the NATO Command and Control centre of excellence organised its first NATO C2COE CONNECTS event. In an informal setting on the Kromhoutbarracks in Utrecht we shared our thoughts with NLD reservists of the 1 CMI co. on the latest developments within NATO on Command and Control, Multi-Domain Command & Control (MDC2) and the role of staff officers in an HQ. This evening was combined with a network meeting of IDEA, but was open to all reservists of the NLD armed forces.
The IDEA Reservist Network (Integrated Development of Entrepreneurial Activities) is part of 1 Civil and Military Interaction Command. IDEA mainly focuses on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in mission areas where it supports economic reconstruction. IDEA’s specialists provide support, counselling, advice and training to local and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Mr. Bernd van de Wetering (Section Head Support NATO C2COE) stressed that cooperation between military personnel, reservists and civilians forms the basis of good cooperation not only in the mission area, but also beyond that. It is also necessary for the NATO C2COE to be able to collaborate with experts outside its own network.
As the first edition of NATO C2COE CONNECTS was a success, there will be a follow-up event in the near future. The details will be announced as soon as possible on c2coe.org and via our Social Media channels.