
The Military Engineering Center of Excellence (MILENG COE), in close coordination with the Supreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ SACT), organised this years edition of the NATO-Accredited COE Directors Conference in Ingolstadt (GER) from 09 to 12 September 2024. The NATO C2COE was represented by Colonel Mietta Groeneveld.

The aim of the annual NATO Centre of Excellence Directors’ Conference is to foster interaction between Directors of the Centres, and equivalent representatives from NATO bodies and multinational organizations in a way to better coordinate and provide valuable expertise to NATO. Each NATO-accredited Centres of Excellence play a major role in challenging NATO, conceptually and intellectually. They are unique and respected organizations within NATO and while they do not duplicate existing efforts within the Alliance, they do maintain functional relationships with NATO’s Strategic Commands, and are encouraged to build relationships with additional national and multinational partners. Specifically, it focused on informing participants about the latest developments in the Alliance, discussing mutual support and cooperation, providing a forum for exchanging views, and facilitating the networking of COE Directors to increase the overall effectiveness of NATO-accredited COEs.

A representative from the German Ministry of Defence, and DCOS MDFD Rear Admiral Placido Torresi, Allied Command Transformation Deputy Chief of Staff for Multi-Domain Force Development, delivered keynote addresses that set the tone for the event, stressing that “Multi-Domain Operations is one of the top priorities of Allied Command Transformation, and we count on the expertise of these Centres of Excellence to enhance this target.”

We congratulate COL Martinek (JCBRN COE DIR) with his appointment as new Dean, as he was elected from among the 30 directors to replace the current Dean, COL Ludwig (MILENG COE DIR).


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