In line with Global Programming, the NATO Command & Control Centre of Excellence (NATO C2COE), as Department Head for the Operations Planning, Operations Assessment and Alternative Analyses (OPOAAA) discipline, organizes the fourth Annual Discipline Conference (ADC). The OPOAAA ADC is the forum to assess the E&T adequacy, suggest changes and inform the strategic commands on status of this discipline.
Therefore, I invite you to participate in the fourth ADC for the OPOAAA discipline on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th of April in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
The ADC will be held in-person at the premises of the NATO C2COE on the Kromhout Barracks, Utrecht. The conference will span one-and-a-half working days, addressing the sub disciplines and overarching themes. Time and space for side discussions will be available during the conference.
Since the discipline is maturing and the Community of Interest is growing, we have a clear view on the participants in this conference.
The registration will be open as of 1 February. A detailed information package for registered participants will be sent in the first week of March, allowing time for travel preparations and arrangements. Please consider the general agenda for your (travel) schedule:
- Icebreaker/ Welcome on Tuesday evening 16th of April;
- ADC with physical participation on 17th & 18th of April, concluding after lunch.