
C2, Technology, & the Complex Endeavor Space | Dr. David S. Alberts (Institute for Defense Analyses)

It is the ongoing mission of the NATO C2COE to analyze and develop the future C2 concepts and best practices for NATO leaders. In this iterative analysis cycle the need to develop C2 theory along side academic partners as well as the C2 community of interest is ever apparent. It is this sort of thoughtful, holistic analysis that creates meaningful analysis for future endeavors.

Now, the current questions that face leaders across NATO is in the way that we balance emergence of technological enablers against C2 processes. It is readily apparent to all that technology has already and will continue to play an active part in the way a commander leverages their C2 capabilities. With this evolution, the complexity created in understanding and defining multi-domain operations and the complex endeavor space is one that few have truly gained a grasp on. Though the road to understanding is complex, the active cooperation with academia helps shed light on the remaining unknowns.

In this final episode of the first season of our podcast ‘C2 and Beyond’ LtCol (NLD N MC) Frank Gubbels, sits down to discuss this topic with the esteemed Dr. David S. Alberts.

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